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Writer's pictureJoe Clarke

through Reiki, Violet overcame intense agony from medication side effects and experienced peaceful clarity - "I felt the touch of God," she said

Joe Clarke proudly volunteers at Sharp Hospital in San Diego, providing Reiki energy healing to the hospital's patients and staff

through Reiki, Violet overcame intense agony from medication side effects and experienced peaceful clarity - "I felt the touch of God," she said

Today, I want to share a miraculous story about the healing power of Reiki. Through Reiki, my client violet overcame intense agony from medication side effects and experienced peaceful clarity - "I felt the touch of God," she said

Last week, I volunteered at Sharp Hospital, providing Reiki to the hospital's patients and staff.

When I finished with the last person on my list, I still had some free time before my shift ended. So I went to the charge nurse to see if there were any patients who could use Reiki.

The charge nurse thought for a moment, and then nodded and said: "Go see Violet in room 412."

(I'm using an alias and alternate room number to protect my client's privacy.)

As I knocked and stepped into Violet's room, I saw a woman in her 60s lying in her hospital bed. I introduced myself and asked if she was interested in Reiki. She didn't respond. I stepped closer and saw that her eyes were shut. She was moaning and shifting uncomfortably in her bed. She was clearly in distress and agony.

I leaned closer and told her I'm here to help. I told her I'd love to give her energy healing to bring her relief. I explained that I'd put my hands on her head and shoulder to channel the soothing energy into her body. She turned her head slightly and nodded. Then she sank back into her agonized state. I washed my hands and returned to her bedside to begin the treatment.

I placed one hand on the crown of her head and the other hand on her shoulder. I used my trained techniques to connect with Reiki, which is a Japanese term for "universal life force energy." I then channeled Reiki energy through my hands into her body. I felt a warm charge come into my hands as the Reiki came pouring through.

A few minutes into the treatment, Violet's eyes flickered open. She looked at me for a moment. I saw that her blue eyes were bright and clear. She closed her eyes and I continued to channel Reiki.

After a few more minutes of treatment, her eyes opened again, this time wider than before. She turned her head and looked at me as I continued to give her Reiki. "I'm feeling better," she said. I could see that her spirits were lifting. And I could see that she was still in agony. I nodded and encouraged her to rest as I continued the treatment.

About 15 minutes into the treatment, she opened her eyes again. This time she looked wide awake. She spoke in a smooth and steady voice. She said she was feeling so much better. She said she could finally think again. She thanked me and smiled.

I felt my heart glow with gladness for her. My hand instinctively went from her shoulder to just above her heart. I began channeling Reiki directly into her heart space.

As her spirits continued to lift, she explained that she was on a diuretic medication that was causing horrible side effects, including a crippling combination of physical pain, emotional discomfort, and mental chaos.

She said that before I came in, she worried she might die. She felt like she'd hit her breaking point, and she didn't know much more she could take.

We began to have a heart-to-heart talk as I continued channeling Reiki to her head and her heart. I praised her courage and fortitude. I told her I was so happy to see her talking and smiling. I told her what an honor it was to be giving her Reiki. I told her that she was healing herself, that it was her connection with her spirit that was helping her feel better, and that I was simply a channel who activated her spiritual connection.

Violet told me that she felt God had brought me into her life. She said she was feeling the "touch of God" during our session. Tears began running from my eyes. Violet told me she finally felt at peace. She said she had risen above her agony, and she felt like herself again. She said that she now felt strong enough to get out of bed and get into her chair. She thanked me profusely, and she thanked God for this miracle in her life.

After about 20 minutes of Reiki, I felt it was time to end the session. Violet seemed stable, and her expression was peaceful and calm. I thanked her for the opportunity to be a part of her healing process, and we parted ways. I left the room feeling like I'd just been part of a beautiful miracle. I felt humbled and honored to my core.

If you'd like to watch the video I recorded not long after my treatment with Violet, check out this post from my Instagram page:

I want to share the miraculous healing power of Reiki with you.

Reiki empowers you to heal yourself from within. I didn't heal Violet. Violet healed herself by connecting with her spirit. Reiki opened the portal for that spiritual connection. I simply kept that portal open with my training and intentions.

I want to do the same for you. Connected with your healing spirit, you enter a deeply relaxed state. In that state, your body naturally begins to rest, recover, and heal. Your mind naturally releases accumulated stress and worry. You enter a state of serene awareness. This is the state where miracles happen.

Clients feel weight literally lifting off their shoulders.

Client burst into deep, cathartic sobbing.

Clients have mystical visions of themselves being held by the wings of angels.

Clients reconnect with deceased loved ones in a loving and comforting way.

In Violet's case, Reiki helped her rise above the agony and terror of her medical side effects so she could feel safe, peaceful, and empowered again.

What miracles can Reiki bring into your life?

Let's find out together.

Sign up for your free consultation. Tell me how you're struggling. Tell me your heartfelt goals. I'll share my vision for how you can get unstuck and onto your path of flourishing.



PS: did you know that Sharp Hospital is one of many hospitals around the country who offer Reiki to their clients? They offer Reiki because Reiki provides a level of comfort, peace, healing, and empowerment beyond what medical treatment can provide alone. Here's an article on the topic you may enjoy:

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